# TheWall Instance
TheWall instance is in charge of adding, deleting and modifying the roles associated to each user. Plus is the one who indicates if a user can or cannot access a given endpoint.
# Initialization
When the wall is required to a project the first thing it will do is create a table in the psql database called thewall_access
. If the table is already create then no worries, it will skip this step.
We defined which endpoints are accessible to each role in TheWall configuration file. In this file all the roles are listed, indicating to which endpoint each role can access. Also it provides the path to where the )knex instance to access the database is located. If you wanna now the details, go ahead and click here to read more about TheWall configuration file.
What we recommend is to create an instance for TheWall creating a file as follows:
const config = require('../path/to/thewallfile');
module.exports = require('thewall')(config);
Very simple right?
Notice, that '../path/to/thewallfile'
should be replaced with the path where TheWall configuration file is located at.
# addAccess
By adding an access we mean assigning a role to a user.
# Parameters
- userId: The id of the user you want to give access to.
- role: The role you want to give to the user
- filter: The filter of that role. This is an optional
# Example
TheWall.addAccess(1, 'storeEditor', 3).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Here we are adding the role storeEditor with filter 3 to the user with id 1.
# deleteAccess
This method is flexible and it allows to delete one-or-many entries.
# Parameters
It receives 1 parameter: params. This is an object that can have up to 3 properties, userId, role and filter, it indicates what entries to delete.
# Example
userId: 1
}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Will delete all the entries associated to the user with id 1. In otherwords, it will eliminate all the roles of user 1.
role: 'storeOwner'
}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Will delete all the entries associated with the role storeOwner. In otherwords, there will be no user with the role storeOwner.
userId: 1,
role: 'storeOwner'
}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Will delete all the entries associated to the user with id 1 and to the role storeOwner. In otherwords, it will eliminate all the roles storeOwner of user 1.
userId: 1,
role: 'storeOwner',
filter: 3
}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Will delete all the entries indicating that the user 1 has a role of storeOwner to store 3.
# updateAccess
This method is flexible and it allows to modify one-or-many entries.
# Parameters
It receives 2 parameter:
- where: This is an object that can have up to 4 properties, id, userId, role and filter, it indicates what entries to modify.
- newValues: This is an object that can have up to 3 properties, userId, role and filter, it indicates what need to be updated.
# Example
id: 103
}, {
role: 'changeRole'
}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Will modify the entry with id=103 role to changeRole
role: 'changeRole',
user_id: 2
}, {
filter: 'new-filter'
}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Will set the filter to new-filter
for every entry where the role is changeRole
and the user_id is 2
# findAccess
This method allows to search for one-or-many entries.
# Parameters
It receives 1 parameter:
- params: This is an object that can have up to 3 properties, userId, role and filter, it indicates what need to be search for.
# Example
user_id: 2
}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Will return all the accesses of user with id 2
role: 'storeOwner'
}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Will return all the accesses where the role is storeOwner
TheWall.findAccess({}).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
Passing an empty object will return all the accesses.
# getRoles
This function returns a list with all the possible roles.
# hasAccess
This function indicate if the given user has access or not a given endpoint.
# Parameters
- userId: The id of the user you are querying for.
- url: The url of the endpoint.
- verb: The http verb of the endpoint, for example GET, POST, PUT, etc.
# Example
TheWall.hasAccess(1, '/store/10/edit', 'POST').then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
This function indicates if the user with id one has access to POST to /store/10/edit
. The variable result
will be true
if it has access, elsewise it will be false